Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Paleo Flu Getting to You?

Anyone doing a Paleo diet challenge can tell you that the first couple weeks of the challenge can be quite unpleasant...mostly because your body is detoxing all the pseudo-crack (aka "sugar") out and just like any junkie detoxing, it's going to suck.  This is known as the "Paleo Flu".  I swear though, you fight through it and then one day you wake up and it's all better and you NEVER want to look back.

I found that during this detox period, a little increase in fruit intake initially really helped overcome the sugar withdrawal and then when my body was adjusted, I scaled back.

I'm more of a savory person, however I can appreciate a little dessert every once and a while.  Let's be real, there are only so many raw things you can eat.  I knew it was time to think outside the box on ways to get my fruit intake and satisfy those lurking cravings.

My recent experiment....

Apple Crisp

Line a pyrex dish with parchment paper, get your oven warmed up to 350

Make the crust:
1 cup unsweetened, finely grated, dehydrated coconut
1/2 cup finely grated pecans
1/2 cup finely grated walnuts
1/4 cup coconut flour (mostly to help bind ingredients)
5-6 tablespoons coconut oil (melted mixes better)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
a hearty dash of cinnamon
a small dash nutmeg  

Mix ingredients and evenly distribute into a nice flat layer in the parchment paper, lined pyrex dish.  Bake in the oven for 17-20 minutes until it starts to look like its becoming a light golden brown.

Prep the Apples:
(We found small, pre-season, slightly sour apples at Price Chopper, from Rulf's Orchard-they were perfect for this recipe)
Peel and dice up 6-8 apples (if small)

Toss apples with cinnamon, nutmeg and teaspoon vanilla extract, saute'  in a frying pan with coconut oil, just to soften the apples oh so slightly.

Place sauteed apples on top of crust and bake for another 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Now, it's not Grammy's apple pie by any means, but it sure is a good little substitute.


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