Monday, April 8, 2013

Fran...We Salute You!

My hands on the other hand...not so much!

Yep, that's from doing pull ups

My hands feel like they are on fire...literally.

For you folks who do not do Cross Fit (which is silly by the way, you should!), there are these series of WOD's (Work Out of the Day) that are all named after fallen soldier's.  "Fran" happens to be one of these WOD's and was used as a benchmark workout for this whole Paleo Challenge that I participated in at the fabulous North Country Cross Fit gym I work out at.

Fran consists of 21 Thrusters (65lbs); 21 Pull Ups; 15 Thrusters (still 65lbs); 15 Pull Ups; 9 more Thrusters (yep, you guessed it, 65lbs) and finish with 9 Pull Ups. We did the "Fran" workout 6 weeks ago and then again today.  This helps us gauge just how much progress we have made over these past couple weeks.  I do not know my exact time from the first time I attempted this byotch, but I'm pretty sure I completed the workout somewhere around 13 minutes or so AND I used the Green and Blue assist bands to do my pull ups.  Today, 6 weeks later (and a whole dress size smaller, thank you very much bacon and all the other tasty carnivor-licious treats) I completed Fran in 10:50 and used the red band for all my pull ups.  The red band is the last skinny band you use before you are doing them on your own.  The blue is a little bit thicker and green is much thicker.  Thicker = more support and assist with your pull ups.  I'm so excited because I'm so close to reaching ONE of my goals, which is do a real pull-up...I can taste it!  Progress is a beautiful thing!

Just want to give a HUGE thank you to Meg Kriff and Ben Freiberg, the wonderful coaches at North Country Cross Fit, for sneaking weight on my bar and pushing me to limits that I would be too big of a pooncy to push myself to.

Although this whole Paleo challenge is over, I still plan on cooking and eating clean and will keep posting recipes and other fun random stories.  Stay tuned for before and after pictures...maybe...I haven't decided yet...or have I? (muahahahaha...that's what us Marketing Nerds call "the hook line and sinker" - you have no choice but to return to my blog).


Dias Girl

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Think I Insulted My 85 Year Old, Nonna

Everyone, meet Nonna...
Don't be fooled by her 4'5 stature or that cane she's holding...

For my American friends, "Nonna" is Sicilian for "grandma".  Nonna is turning 85 years old this month, has lived in the United States since she was in her 30's (I think? Maybe 40's, any who) and her English speaking skills are lacking.  Now, don't be fooled for one second!  She doesn't miss a beat and she sure as hell has one crazy poker face.  DO NOT LET NONNA FOOL YOU - SHE UNDERSTANDS EVERYTHING, and she is listening.

Side Note: So, my mom's side of the family is from Sicily and my dad is from Portugal - I like to say that my family is FOBulous..."Fresh Off the Boat...ulous".  The best way I can describe them; have you ever watched the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding?  You know the part where the dude is all, "I'm a Vegetarian" and the old Greek lady is all, "That's ok, I cook you lamb."  Yep, the Dias family in a nut shell.  So every year, my family bakes these stupid good, traditional Easter Pies.  They are ri-dic-ulous.  Seriously, your taste buds have never experienced anything like this before.  My mom prepares her own dough, all the various stuffing's and I'm the kitchen helper.  It's a big deal/tradition for our family every year.

So when I came home all, "yeah, I'm like on this Paleo diet challenge and have one more week to go" they are all like, "oh you can't even have butter in your yams???? WHAT KIND OF $^#$@^#$#&* diet is this!?!?!"  Momma D was not impressed at all!  And pretty certain Nonna was not only offended that I didn't touch the traditional Easter pies, but disgusted.  So with that I bring you images of the greatest challenge I have ever faced in my entire life! Ok, that was dramatic, just during this whole 6 week Paleo food challenge...resisting the traditional Easter Pies...

I must warn you, the following images are Rated R...for Ridiculously good looking!  The following images are NOT Paleo..I repeat they are NOT Paleo friendly!

Momma D preparing the dough the Friday evening before the big day

This is called Pizzagaina - it's filled with all sorts of cheese and Italian meats

The final products - veal pies, chicken pies, calamari, spinach....alllll filled with non Paleo friendly items..ughh the torture!

And...more yummy goodness.
Don't be alarmed guys - I have my freezer fully stocked with a sample of all my favorite pies and fully intend on embracing every last morsel next week when this challenge is over.

Then, I'll gladly go right back to my clean eating habits - it is ALLLLL worth it!

What has been your biggest challenge lately?

Go! Fight! Win!
